Free Consultation630-668-4211

Free Consultation630-668-4211

Available 24/7

Your Next Lawyer

 Posted on June 25, 2020 in Uncategorized

Many times a person undergoing a divorce selects a lawyer to represent them where the attorney client relationship just doesn’t congeal.  You may have selected counsel from an online review, or through a suggestion made by a friend, or from some other source which could have been great for them, but isn’t working for you.

Our firm is often the go to solution for cases that have been compromised by inartful or inattentive handling by former counsel, or where the Court appointed Guardian ad Litem has formed an unflattering perception of the client’s relationship with his or her children, or the Judge has not been given a full and fair understanding of the client’s strengths as a parent or business person. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your unique circumstances at no cost or obligation.

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